Watch Ministry Isn't Canceled

(fast forward to 16:15 for program start)

Over the past 8+ weeks, COVID-19 has paused and canceled many activities, rhythms, and areas of our lives as we were used to.  The sports world has been no exception.  No practices, competition, victories, or team gatherings.  Yet, know this… 

FCA ministry has not been paused,
and it certainly ISN’T canceled!

NE Florida FCA has seen the Lord at work in amazing ways, opening doors of opportunity during this pandemic.  During this season of isolation, FCA has quickly responded in innovative, exciting ways to keep coaches and athletes connected as they grow in Christ.  

Check out the great ways God has been at work through the ministry of NE Florida FCA the past several months.
  • Athletes and Students Huddle

    Although our athletes and students are experiencing a time of discouragement and adjustment, we are seeing them step up as leaders and start their own virtual huddles for their campus. Many are seeing this as an opportunity to encourage their peers during a time when everyone is responding to the pandemic in different ways.

    As students are wrapping up their Spring semester, we are seeing more and more wanting to use this Summer as a way to learn and grow spiritually as leaders for when the time does come for them to get back to campus, they are well prepared to lead their huddles in new, dynamic ways.

  • "FCA Coaches Huddle is a way to grow spiritually and sharpen tools as a Christian who happens to love coaching. I love the accountability, friendship and support system it fosters."
    Kristen Wright
    Director of Volleyball & Head Coach
    University of North Florida
    “FCA has been a genuine blessing to our coaching community. In going through the 3D Coaching program, the relatability makes the coursework easy to digest and apply. It has certainly been an enriched learning experience.” 
    Darrell Sutherland
    Head Football Coach
    Bartram Trail High School
    “Coaches Huddles has been an uplifting and an encouraging time to share with other coaches while growing in our faith together. We will all return to our teams better equipped because of our Huddle experience ”
    Mauricio Ruiz 
    Head Men's Soccer Coach
    Jacksonville University


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